• Blog,  Confidence,  Lifelong Learning,  vision

    “The Road Less Traveled” – Redeemed Beginnings

      How it seemed like Robert Frost was talking about me in his famous quote “Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”  When I studied this quote in school, of course I didn’t realize the full impact that it would have on my life, until now. My choices and decisions, both good and bad, my circumstances, not always chosen by me, and divine protection and interaction has brought me to this place I now stand. For some strange reason, I am compelled to share my journey and celebrate each milestone as I see it…

  • Blog,  Business,  Confidence

    Change Self-Doubt To Self-Confidence

    One of the hardest things that some people ever do is transform themselves from a person full of self-doubt to a self-assured or self-confident person that believes in themselves. But, the truth is that no matter where you are in life right now, no matter how many mistakes you’ve made, opportunities you’ve passed up, or what’s happened to you in life, you can change your self-doubt to having self-confidence and start believing in yourself. This is true even if you had a poor upbringing and even if you’ve never believed in yourself before. It’s within your power, and it will change your life completely. As a child, I remember being teased…